Future belongs to the nature



Global Challenges


Our intention is to contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals




Among other things, we pay attention to a responsible and sustainable way of doing business, which includes environmental and social interests. Modern technology in the form of the recirculation system used in our project makes it possible. We are able to raise awareness of new food production opportunities, significantly eliminate waste and reduce water consumption, thus protecting natural resources, ecosystems and reducing the carbon footprint.

In 2015, in response to the poor state of the world in almost every conceivable area important for the development and health of the population, the United Nations (UN) issued a document called Agenda 2030. It contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that offers a unique, transformative and integrative approach to moving the world to a better future. With our project and the used technology we also try to contribute to the fulfillment of some SDG goals.






The innovative and proven technology we use in our project is the basis for reliable operation 



Fish farming

We use recirculation aquaculture technology (RAS) for fish farming, which allows us to produce fish all year round in a safe and controlled environment.


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Vegetable growing

To achieve maximum efficiency in growing vegetable, we use a vertical farm system with a fully controlled environment. 


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